Your Feelings Matter
The power of unconditional love

Healing Generations
Support That Makes a Difference

“Leslie Watkins has mentored and coached me for over 15 years. I truly believe that through her reflection of unconditional love, I have been able to see my higher self. Not only has she given me the gift of living pure joy, she has also given me the tools to sustain a higher vibration of love. This ongoing journey of self discovery has not only enhanced and changed my physical experiences of life but it has also impacted generational healing as I now understand how to love differently those who mean the most to me.”
T. Nelson
“Leslie Watkins has been a close friend and shining example for me for the last 12 years. I have learned by watching her put unconditional love first into her own life how it has affected all of our friends and family. It has guided me to be the best person I can be which makes my physical journey one filled with laughter and JOY. Not only has she shown me the gift of loving first, she has also given me many tools to help sustain the best life I can have~ physically, emotionally and spiritually. This ongoing journey of my self-discovery has not only enhanced and changed my life experiences for the better but it has also impacted my family’s healing. ~~I now understand how to LOVE without hesitation FIRST, then everything else falls into place!”
G. Henich
For ten years, Leslie Watkins, has been our family’s counselor, mediator, mentor, and most of all friend. We have not needed to see her constantly because the things she taught us in the beginning about loving ourselves and others has carried us through so much. I love to go into a refresher session with Leslie when crises seem too hard to bear much less solve. I always come out of a session with Leslie loving myself more, understanding how strong I am, and feeling that I have God given traits to accomplish the tasks ahead. There is not one negative aspect about Leslie. She is always about unconditional love, inner strength, and God’s unconditional love for all of us. Leslie Watkins has been a true blessing in my life and I would not be the person I am today without her unconditional love and Christ-like mentoring.
I have often wondered why I was plagued with pornography. I feared my curiosity of sex and for women would turn into something I would regret and something I fiercely hid. But in reality, I knew there had to be a reason for it and that I could overcome it. But that hope was dying. After listening to Leslie and her shameless and loving approach towards such a shame filled and charged cultural and ethical topic, I felt the weight of my worries change for guilt to understanding. I felt empowered and could see clearly and I could be, see, and understand myself. Leslie helped me to open my heart to heal and to progress and transcend. Pornography is no longer my Achilles heel or an uncontrollable addiction. It has been a teacher and I dare say… a blessing.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to love powerfully and unconditionally, to create an environment for real healing within individuals, groups and generationally as we unite to elevate consciousness through love, understanding and conscious awareness.
Whatever you’re struggling with, I’m here to help you achieve your goals. Contact me to find out more.
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear”
Mark Twain

January, 2020!
Contact Leslie
Call 801.550.7799